If you are looking for a powerful yet simple extension for keeping a backup of your Joomla! site, Akeeba Backup, the best (IMHO) open-source backup component, was created for you! Created to handle big sites and avoid server timeout. It creates a backup archive that contains all the files, a database snapshot and a restoration point.
Akeeba Backup comes in two versions that are called Core and Professional. Core version is free (Non-Commercial), provides some basic backup tools and an unlimited service. This is the version that IDEAS install in all Joomla that we install. But for more advanced options, you can try the Professional edition for a small fee. Always backup - backup - backup.
You can edit, upload, delete, zip, unzip and download files directly from your Joomla Administrators panel without the need to go through your FTP. Also it's convinient if you are not on your primarly desktop/laptop and/or you are just using a borrowed computer.